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Basalite MICROSIL® Shotcrete

Basalite MICROSIL® Shotcrete

MICROSIL® SHOTCRETE is a pre-blended, dry shotcrete containing silica fume and other carefully selected components. MICROSIL® SHOTCRETE has greatly enhanced shooting characteristics and physical properties. MICROSIL® SHOTCRETE can be custom blended with or without steel fibre reinforcement and/or SHOTCRETE ACCELERATOR.

Packaged in 30 kg (66 lb.) triple-lined bags or 1680 kg (1 yd3) bulk bags, stretch wrapped and capped on wooden pallets.

USE: For slope stabilization, initial and secondary tunnel support, structural linings and concrete rehabilitation. May be used in combination with steel fibre reinforcement to enhance load carrying capacity, and with a non-caustic shotcrete accelerator to provide high early strengths and fast set times. Can be blended to meet ACI 506 gradation #1 or #2.

YIELD: Coverage depends on project.

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  • Cubic yard (cuyd), 30 kg

  • The performance of in-place shotcrete relies heavily upon application techniques. To adequately determine the quality of in-place shotcrete- the material, equipment and key personnel should all be pre-qualified prior to project start up.
  • Liability for damages or defective goods shall be limited to the refund of the purchase price or product replacement.

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