PARTNERS & ASSOCIATIONSBasalite, acquired by Pacific Coast Building Products in 1979, has become one of the largest suppliers of concrete masonry products in Western North America. Product lines include structural block, interlocking paving stones, wall systems, retaining walls, ornamental and garden products, and a full range of sack goods.
PABCO Building Products, LLC
PABCO Clay Products, LLC
Pacific Coast Building Services, Inc.
Pacific Coast Supply, LLC
- AIBC – Architectural Association of British Columbia
- SICA – Southern Interior Construction Association
- CSI – Construction Specifications Institute
- ICPI – Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute
- WRLA – Western Retail Lumber Association
- Building supply industry association
- Alberta masonry council
- MIBC – Masonry Institute of British Columbia
- BCSLA – British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
- NCMA – National Concrete Masonry Association
- CCMPA – Canadian Concrete Masonry Producer Association
- Canada Masonry Design Centre
- Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC, formerly APEGBC)
- American Concrete Institute BC Chapter (ACI BC)
- Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)
- American Shotcrete Association (ASA)
- Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA)
- The International Association of Foundation Drilling – Western Canadian Chapter (ADSC WCC)
- Washington State Conference of Mason Contractors (WA)
- Why Masonry